About Lubitsch.com
Welcome to "The Cinema of Ernst Lubitsch," dedicated to the great film director whose brilliant career began in Germany during the silent era and continued to flourish in Hollywood where he produced and directed pioneering musicals and sophisticated romantic-comedies. My name is Scott. I've loved movies for as long as I can remember. I studied film history as an undergraduate in college and I worked as an academic librarian (with a media specialization) for over 30 years. When my friends ask me "Who's your favorite director?" I reply: "Ernst Lubitsch." This is usually followed by a blank stare. They then ask, "Well, what's your favorite film?" I reply: "Trouble in Paradise." Another blank stare. And if this isn't bad enough, my internet travels revealed that there was no website devoted to the remarkable film career of Ernst Lubitsch. I knew my mission was to fill that void. My goal in creating this website is: to perpetuate the study, appreciation, and sheer enjoyment of "The Cinema of Ernst Lubitsch." Mr. Lubitsch is not as well remembered as many of the other great film directors of his era (no doubt because he left us too soon) but my goal is to change that. I hope you enjoy exploring his career via this website . . . come back and visit often and tell your friends about Ernst Lubitsch!
My Humble Disclaimer
The intent of this website is to provide students and classic film-lovers with information about film director Ernst Lubitsch. I chose the .com domain because it's easy to remember. I want to make it clear, however, that this is not a commercial website! This is a strictly not-for-profit, non-commercial "fan" site. I have made every attempt to cite all of the sources used in this website. If any author or publisher feels that I have violated copyright laws, please notify me. I've linked to books and videos at amazon.com as a convenience to viewers of this site (and to encourage continued research and viewing of the films of Ernst Lubitsch.) The modest compensation I may receive from this affiliation will be used for the sole purpose of maintaining this website.
This website is dedicated in loving memory to Mr. Ted Larson ~ My college film professor, mentor, and friend, who showed me my first Ernst Lubitsch film, "The Merry Widow."
Did you know?
Welcome to "The Cinema of Ernst Lubitsch," dedicated to the great film director whose brilliant career began in Germany during the silent era and continued to flourish in Hollywood where he produced and directed pioneering musicals and sophisticated romantic-comedies. My name is Scott. I've loved movies for as long as I can remember. I studied film history as an undergraduate in college and I worked as an academic librarian (with a media specialization) for over 30 years. When my friends ask me "Who's your favorite director?" I reply: "Ernst Lubitsch." This is usually followed by a blank stare. They then ask, "Well, what's your favorite film?" I reply: "Trouble in Paradise." Another blank stare. And if this isn't bad enough, my internet travels revealed that there was no website devoted to the remarkable film career of Ernst Lubitsch. I knew my mission was to fill that void. My goal in creating this website is: to perpetuate the study, appreciation, and sheer enjoyment of "The Cinema of Ernst Lubitsch." Mr. Lubitsch is not as well remembered as many of the other great film directors of his era (no doubt because he left us too soon) but my goal is to change that. I hope you enjoy exploring his career via this website . . . come back and visit often and tell your friends about Ernst Lubitsch!
My Humble Disclaimer
The intent of this website is to provide students and classic film-lovers with information about film director Ernst Lubitsch. I chose the .com domain because it's easy to remember. I want to make it clear, however, that this is not a commercial website! This is a strictly not-for-profit, non-commercial "fan" site. I have made every attempt to cite all of the sources used in this website. If any author or publisher feels that I have violated copyright laws, please notify me. I've linked to books and videos at amazon.com as a convenience to viewers of this site (and to encourage continued research and viewing of the films of Ernst Lubitsch.) The modest compensation I may receive from this affiliation will be used for the sole purpose of maintaining this website.
This website is dedicated in loving memory to Mr. Ted Larson ~ My college film professor, mentor, and friend, who showed me my first Ernst Lubitsch film, "The Merry Widow."
Did you know?
- Five Ernst Lubitsch films have been inducted into the U.S. Library of Congress' National Film Registry? The NFR was established in 1989 to preserve films deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically important." To date, the Lubitsch films which have been preserved under the NFR program are: Lady Windermere's Fan (1925); Trouble in Paradise (1932); Ninotchka (1939); The Shop Around the Corner (1940); To Be Or Not To Be (1942). More info >
- The Hourglass Group Ltd. Theatre group adapted the 1932 classic Lubitsch film "Trouble in Paradise" to the stage? The world premiere took place in June 2006. They teamed with award-winning comedic writer David Simpatico and jazz composer/musician Steven Bernstein who created an original score for the production. More Info >
- The film "You've Got Mail" is based on the Ernst Lubitsch classic "The Shop Around the Corner?" More info >
- There is an award named after Ernst Lubitsch? Each year in Berlin, Germany the "Ernst Lubitsch Award" (also known as: Verleihung des Ernst-Lubitsch-Preises) is given by Germany's leading film critics.
- There is a bar named after Lubitsch? Tucked into a Russian district of West Hollywood, CA, Bar Lubitsch is named after revered filmmaker Ernst Lubitsch. Bar Lubitsch aspires to raise the level of the bar experience, just as Ernst Lubitsch did for the cinematic experience with his "Lubitsch touch."They even have a drink on the menu inspired by a Lubitsch film -- the "Ninotchka" made with vanilla vodka, muddled strawberries and champagne.